Here is a list of solutions that our company is ready to provide. Please do not hesitate to contact us, even if the solution you need is not listed.
Business Intelligence System
Enables managers and specialists of the company to receive quick, detailed performance indicators for operational analysis and planning, using consolidated data from the corporate knowledge base.
Corporate Portal for Employees
A solution that allows you to control the main resource of any company — its staff. Using exclusive features of modern technology, such as extensive analytics and quickly provided feedback, we offer a system of distance learning and staff knowledge control.
Dealers portal
For those organizations which are interested in the effective distribution network. During the crisis, such an approach to doing business got special demand. It has been even noted at the highest governmental level that our businesses have learned to produce quality products, but do not always know how to quickly and profitably sell them.
Portal of Remote Client Service
One of the main trends in consumer segment of economy and in interactions of legal entities at a modern level. The convenience of remote service is appreciated by clients that use services in the broadest sense.
Electronic Reporting System
Urgently needed in public bodies, where there is a place for staff optimization, while maintaining the volume of work. Such a system allows organizations to receive reports from its clients using an electronic digital signature (EDS).